Both new books identify Jesus as Jewish in their titles.
In 1:1, John identifies Jesus as the Logos, that which made the existence of the created world possible.
For John, identifying Jesus with the light that came into being "in the beginning" is what makes him unique-God's "only begotten son."
According to the Synoptic Gospels, Judas identified Jesus to the soldiers by means of a kiss.
Since it was dark, a special sign was required in order to identify Jesus from His other disciples.
Most Christians identified Jesus as divine from a very early period, although holding a variety of competing views as to what exactly this implied.
This is the easiest way to identify Jesus.
Judas arrives with Roman soldiers and identifies Jesus by kissing him on the cheek.
Both John and Thomas identify Jesus with this primordial light, the light of creation.
This prologue is intended to identify Jesus as the eternal Word (Logos) of God.