A mental status examination to identify abnormalities in mood, intellectual function, memory, and personality.
Karyotyping uses a system of studying chromosomes to identify genetic abnormalities and evolutionary changes in the past.
Test results are measured against the International Olive Council trade standard to identify abnormalities.
Confirming the earlier work, the results showed that the participants could identify abnormalities in the X-rays to reach an accurate diagnosis very rapidly.
Soon we will be using ultrasound to assess normality, not just identify abnormalities.
X-rays can help identify bony abnormalities but can't detect nerve problems.
Screening may identify abnormalities that would never cause a problem in a person's lifetime.
The accounts of a particular company can thus be compared with a composite to identify abnormalities.
In some cases, abdominal x-rays may also be done to identify bowel obstruction or other abnormalities.
In some cases, radiographic procedures are conducted to identify ileus, obstruction, or other abnormalities.