Schein (2004) identifies three distinct levels in organizational cultures; artifacts and behaviours, espoused values, and assumptions.
An old classmate of the heroine's whose job is to identify human artifacts.
Taylor identifies artifacts such as dentures, eyeglasses, a heart valve and, to the apes' astonishment, a talking children's doll.
As president, she located and identified artifacts associated with ethnic life, produced a major museum exhibit, and sponsored lectures and other programs.
It was standard protocol for the excavators to only identify map larger faunal remains, articulated remains, and formal artifacts.
Easier to identify artifacts arising from non-physiologic signal fluctuations.,.
Thanks to Kes's detailed recollections, he could content himself with being able to identify various artifacts, architectural styles, and cultural details.
Campbell and Stanley identify several artifacts.
Maven's dependency-handling mechanism is organized around a coordinate system identifying individual artifacts such as software libraries or modules.
A division of the County Clerk's office, the archives department is charged with identifying and preserving valuable records, maps, photographs, deeds and other artifacts.