Almost everything they looked at has been identified as a target that these people thought about.
"While these evaluations are positive on their face, they identify Jews as a possible target of envy and resentment," the study said.
She has never been identified by Federal officials as a primary target of the investigation.
The official said an investigation had determined that the cell was planning an attack on what he identified only as a "British target."
Many financial institutions were reluctant to discuss their security measures, saying that merely to be identified as a potential target might draw attention to them.
The official did not identify any player as a target of the threat.
Federal prosecutors typically identify a person as a target only when an indictment may be imminent.
Australian authorities have identified the opera house as a prime terrorist target.
It took only a moment to identify the Russian woman as a target.
Friends received a personalised video on their Facebook wall identifying them as a target.