This increased power makes it possible to identify more subtle and complex associations such as gene-gene and gene-environment interactions.
They walked behind banners that identified their unions or associations.
Epidemiological studies are best at identifying very powerful associations, like the one between smoking and lung cancer.
Projective techniques, including TATs, are used in qualitative marketing research, for example to help identify potential associations between brand images and the emotions they may provoke.
The Meta data model, depicted above, identifies the concepts and associations between these concepts within DSDM.
By focusing on boundaries, we are able to identify spatial structure and geographic associations so long as the relative values of the OPRs are correct.
Reviewing the terms and literature that prompted the definition of relationships among genes can easily identify false-positive associations.
To foster this interest I would like to identify professional organizations and associations and technical journals (not to advanced) that would keep her interested.
These techniques were originally designed for epidemiological uses, to identify genetic associations with observable traits.
Dianetics, the discipline underlying Scientology, posits that if people identify the unconscious thoughts and associations that are upsetting them, they can defuse them.