Their studies identified multiple clinical determinants of dementia after stroke, including the location and severity of the presenting stroke, vascular risk factors such as diabetes mellitus and prior stroke, and host characteristics such as older age, fewer years of education, and nonwhite race/ethnicity.
Multiple studies have attempted to identify prognostic determinants after surgery and have yielded conflicting evidence as to the prognostic importance of a variety of clinicopathologic factors.
The purpose of Barrier Analysis is to identify behavioral determinants, so that more effective behavior change communication messages, strategies and supporting activities can be developed.
The purpose of Barrier Analysis is to identify determinants (barriers) of behavior change among a specific target audience.
Managbanag, J.R., Witten, T.M., Bonchev, D., Fox, L.A., Tsuchiya, M., Kennedy, B.K., and Kaeberlein, M. Shortest-path network analysis is a useful approach toward identifying genetic determinants of longevity.
Intervention Mapping provides a vocabulary for intervention planning, procedures for planning activities, and technical assistance with identifying theory-based determinants and methods for change.
First, it will seek to identify significant determinants in the decisions of young people in this age group to seek either further education and training or leave the system.
Shortest-path network analysis Is a useful approach toward identifying genetic determinants of longevity.
Barrier Analysis is a rapid assessment tool used in behavior change projects to identify behavioral determinants.
Separate multiple linear regression models were tested to identify determinants of birth weight, length, head and chest circumference.