Newborn screening: Newborn screening is used just after birth to identify genetic disorders that can be treated early in life.
Genetic analysis may be done to identify genetic/inherited disorders and also to make a differential diagnosis in certain somatic diseases such as cancer.
This act was enacted to increase awareness among parents, health professionals, and the public on testing newborns to identify certain disorders.
Performance on certain tests can identify underlying neurological disorders and verify the disorientation as a selective impairment.
Neither the EAT-26, nor any other screening instrument, has been established as highly efficient as the sole means for identifying eating disorders.
(By comparison, there are some 5,000 identified human genetic disorders.)
This traditional approach has proved highly successful in identifying monogenic disorders and locating the genes responsible.
"So if you can effectively show you can train primary providers to identify and treat eating disorders, that will really open up access to care for more people."
A third form of testing is the photoprovocation test which is used to identify disorders instigated by sun burns.
Policy statement: Identifying and treating eating disorders.