City officials have not identified donors, acknowledging only the presence of one particular anonymous benefactor who helped jump-start the fund-raising.
In a little-noticed fund-raising strategy, the party identified donors who had given $6,500 to the Giuliani campaign, the maximum under the board's rules.
And so the problem for us is to identify black donors.
Officials had a conference call earlier this week to identify potential donors, but much will be left to handle on the ground.
He explained that he had identified secret donors who would match charitable contributions raised by his friends.
Any records that could later identify donors were destroyed, a practice that is still widespread.
Nevertheless, they acknowledge devoting considerable resources to identifying potential new donors.
Under existing law, churches and synagogues are exempt from filing annual reports identifying donors.
Other tax-exempt organizations must identify donors who give $5,000 or more in one year; their threshold would be lowered to $500 under the new plan.
We would thus like to see hospitals deploying more staff to identify potential donors, but also to counsel and assist the next of kin.