These AC officials make unannounced facility inspections to ensure they are in compliance with regulations, and to identify unregistered facilities.
It serves as a source of information by identifying facilities or other hazardous substance releases that appear to warrant remedial actions.
This condition requires compliance with the 1992 agreement under which the US identifies suspect facilities for the Chinese government to investigate.
For more than a year the C.I.A. and other intelligence agencies have been intently focused on identifying Iranian nuclear facilities.
International signage is used to identify handicap-accessible facilities.
Officers work closely with the Planning Team to identify community buildings and facilities that could benefit from planning gain funding resulting from housing developments in local areas.
The centrality statistics used were in-degree and betweenness to identify facilities operating as stable regional convergence locations.
These locations are required to identify customers, circuit terminations, facilities, or equipment for each specific customer for facility provisioning or other requirements.
These profiles will enable the university to identify facilities that will benefit most from the implementation of retrocommissioning that will facilitate reductions in energy consumption.
The office helps industry to identify faculty expertise and institutional facilities, and assists faculty in identifying industry problems.