IPM projects must begin by identifying women's needs and interests and not assuming they are the same as men's.
Schools should identify parents' and carers' special skills and interests, and find ways that they can be used to help learning.
By having an easily accessible avenue to self-actualize as well as identify personal interests people can seize the opportunity to participate in a larger movement.
Through a series of interactive exercises, Career Navigator can help job seekers identify their skills, values, interests and personal style.
In all areas there is the potential for competition, but also the opportunity to develop pragmatic economic relations and to identify interesting projects and mutual interests.
It means an initiative to provide a framework for identifying common interests.
Identify multiple interests in any one problem and weigh them when analysing the value of different responses.
Kenneth Burke asserted humans use rhetoric to resolve conflicts by identifying shared characteristics and interests in symbols.
Once we have identified shared interests, we can point out how they will be met.
Identify their strengths, interests, and physical skills.