The spore print of a mushroom is an important diagnostic character in most handbooks for identifying mushrooms.
The difficult task of identifying mushrooms in the wild, for culinary or recreational purposes, can result in severe poisoning.
It can be used to identify mushrooms.
And even the most experienced can be fooled when it comes to identifying mushrooms from one continent to another.
She can mimic bird songs, identify mushrooms and plants and insects - just about anything.
During this time he was interested in identifying edible mushrooms from these regions.
At the same time he was interested in identifying toxic mushrooms in Mexico.
Even if you think you can identify mushrooms, be sure you don't get poisoned because you've been using the wrong book!
Gatherers only need to supply funds for possible park fees, knowledge for identifying mushrooms and gathering time.
Identify mushrooms a second time during preparation and cook them properly, unless you know that the species can be eaten raw.