The provincial symbol is a sheaf of wheat and is generally used to identify government programs and organizations.
We need to identify and punish those countries and international organizations that support the Taliban's tyrannical government.
This file was created for the sole purpose of identifying legitimate political organizations and distinguishing them from subversive groups.
The commission has recently received information from multiple sources identifying organizations that direct and implement the Iraqi concealment effort.
Identify organizations that are leaders in these areas: Look for the very best in any industry and in any country.
The terminology used to identify such organizations grows out of usage, and has sometimes been imprecise.
While the new list shows progress in identifying reborn organizations, it remains unclear whether any of them hold money.
To foster this interest I would like to identify professional organizations and associations and technical journals (not to advanced) that would keep her interested.
They identify helpful organizations and discuss day care and welfare rights.
Ms. Crowe declined to identify organizations whose contracts the administration believes were not registered.