Instead, he identifies principles of "open and relatively stable" lawmaking, and laws that the public can live their lives by.
But he and other psychologists have used data from experiments to identify techniques and principles for reducing the hold of racism.
Our own research has identified principles of effective education.
They survive by finding "simplicities that work - following basic instincts, identifying first principles clearly and remaining true to them in good times and bad."
I suspect the commission's decision will have widespread repercussions, even outside New York, by identifying several fundamental principles.
This document identifies principles that underlie the public health mission and sets forth guidance for evaluating potential collaborations.
Later research has identified additional grouping principles.
Mathematicians need to have good reasoning to identify, analyze, and apply basic principles to technical problems.
The test includes 12 essays based on case studies that require identifying "principles of effective instructional strategies."
Our job, as I see it, is to identify principles and goals for each project which are on the public benefit side.