It can help you to identify processes that you can adopt to reduce your business' use of water and cut costs.
At best it shows only that something similar is happening without showing why, or identifying key causal processes.
A second method involves having examinees think aloud as they solve test items to identify the actual knowledge, processes, and strategies elicited by the task,.
First, one must identify the critical functions and processes that are necessary to keep the organization running.
Identifying critical processes and assessing the impact of any failures.
Identify acts and processes that could be taken advantage of as "opportunities" in function of national interests.
The process involves identifying and presenting administrative, procedural, and technical processes to realize the desired security posture.
Can we identify processes which exclude or marginalise girls in mathematics'?
The first step is to identify the assets and processes that are critical to the business, some may have been identified during recent risk assessment exercises.
For any given justified belief (or instance of knowledge), one can easily identify many different (concurrently operating) "processes" from which the belief results.