It has lost its ability to identify new questions and develop new techniques," he said in an interview.
This model adopts the idea of inquiry-based learning where students are presented with scenarios to identify their own research, questions and knowledge regarding the area.
"The principle of identifying useful questions and seeking their answers through the central computer is sound," said Mandelbrot.
When the case study involves one site and modest expense, the price for identifying better questions early may seem affordable.
Students will identify questions about women's leadership they wish to explore with their mentors and with each other during the course of the program.
To use these tools, you must establish an identity profile by answering a set of identifying questions.
But it maintains that the important first steps of presenting an agenda and identifying questions have been taken.
Anti-degradation procedures identify steps and questions that need to be addressed when specific activities affect water quality.
What follows is not a comprehensive list - what other relevant questions can you identify?
Help students identify questions for further investigation, and develop strategies for how they might answer them.