My first step was to identify shortcomings: the wrong sunblock and cheap goggles purchased frantically at a convenience store.
Most importantly, we have identified shortcomings in currently available analytical methods.
While the Barrday helmet performed well ballistically, field trials identified significant shortcomings.
A fair report would identify shortcomings in the investigation itself, including any excesses, mistakes, errors in judgment, or impermissible tactics.
It has never been a great popular favourite, and Kennedy and Reed identify shortcomings in it.
A joint report by three Canadian regulatory agencies also "identified significant shortcomings in the study design, implementation and reporting."
Besides the technical analysis, their investigation identified shortcomings in the way Firestone handled what turned out to be crucial safety information.
First, they identify several potential shortcomings of the doctrine as elucidated by the Second Circuit.
However, the international election observation mission has identified several irregularities and shortcomings.
They say its problems are not its leadership, but rather its failure to identify and fix shortcomings.