The process of identifying stakeholders and maintaining policies needs to fluctuate culturally to imply the sustainability of CBM.
Frame the problem: identify project objectives, constraints, stakeholders, the regulatory framework, and primary/secondary decisions.
Identifying relevant stakeholders.
These plans provide information on the conservation actions highlighted by the research programme, and identify key stakeholders that will carry out these actions.
Identified stakeholders such as governments, conservation organisations and people in the fishing industry are all working toward reducing this bycatch.
Companies carefully identify stakeholders, determining who can or will be affected by the success or failure of their campaign.
This stage seeks to structure the problem in the client organization by identifying stakeholders, modelling organizational objectives and discussing possible solutions.
GAO's risk management approach allows management to identify and involve key stakeholders throughout an engagement to transcend traditional organizational boundaries to maximize institutional value and minimize related risks.
In risk communication: used to assist the researcher to analyze the timing of when information is received and identify the receivers and stakeholders.
Identify major stakeholders.