In one paper, he devised a set of algorithms that could identify teachers in the Chicago public-school system who were cheating.
Whether the superintendent has required principals to identify low-performing teachers and to improve their performance.
They can't identify good or bad teachers or schools, because each student and each school comes to the test with different needs and capabilities.
How can a teaching staff perform well when there is a perception that they perceive the principal as primarily interested in identifying teachers for reprimand?
Comments identifying individual teachers should not form part of a general report.
What is the best way to identify and remove incompetent teachers?
Will it really identify poor teachers because their students don't do well?
At best, it is a beginning step to identify teachers who might need additional professional development.
This will limit the value of test scores for identifying effective teachers, and will hurt student learning.
Wilshaw said it was "pretty straightforward" to identify teachers who were "obviously incapable".