There have been no reports so far of attempted identify theft, a university spokesman said.
Over the past decade, the Federal Government and most States have passed legislation to impose criminal sanctions on identify theft (See Identity Theft Legislation).
Grand larceny cases are up, which the Police Department says is caused in part by a nationwide increase in identify theft.
She said the insurance policies might benefit the self-employed, who could lose much income because of the time spent cleaning up an incident of identify theft.
It fights computer crimes, including identify theft, intellectual property crime and other cybercrimes.
I would say that's exactly the right takeaway from this is this is all the information required to perpetrate identify theft.
Several lawyers said it was unlikely that this practice was illegal, although many warned it could open the person renting out their credit card lines to fraud or identify theft.
The legislature passed several new protections against identify theft.
Use the Tax Toolkit to help you understand basic tax information, learn about special tax credits, prevent identify theft and understand why it is important to follow the law.
Articles in this series are examining the causes and the impact of identify theft.