Good managers can identify winners before they become widely apparent.
The dealer must verify the amount of bets and raises by players, collect folded hands, maintain side pots, and read players' hands at showdown to identify the winner or winners.
They also served to identify potential winners for additional coaching and scholarships at ski academies.
Nominations are then forwarded to a panel of judges who identify winners in each category.
Nor, despite voluminous studies by both sides before the agreement, can anyone identify winners and losers whose fates clearly stem from the pact rather than economic trends in general.
But his discussion of how to identify particular winners strikes me as a tad superficial.
So the growth potential is real; what is more difficult is identifying likely winners.
Callers must also provide a Social Security number, which will be used to identify winners and help lottery officials keep minors from playing.
We must, in principle, be able to identify winners by recognizing their anatomical excellence, or their competitive edge.
And because cellulosic technology is still evolving, it is difficult to identify eventual winners.