In most cases, roses are identified by a number during the trial period, with their identity not revealed until after final judging.
She could not go to the Camerons tomorrow and have her identity revealed.
Her identity was never publicly revealed, causing great speculation and many accusations over time.
But the winner refused to have his identity revealed.
If you are prepared to publish anything, then be prepared to have your identity revealed.
The first housemate, a woman, was officially chosen on October 10, 2010, but did not have their identity revealed.
She had not, however, revealed to anyone- not even to her father, the real identity of the military officer.
He must be captured, and his identity revealed - otherwise innocent men will go to their deaths.
But its not over yet, here comes the original identity of Raman which he himself reveals to everyone...
All were then given numbers, with the identity of each author revealed only after the results were in.