Communism, fascism and 'global democratic capitalism' are characterised by Gray as Enlightenment 'projects' which have led to needless suffering, in Gray's view, as a result of their ideological allegiance to this religion.
However, with Allied victory looming in Europe, Botha condemned the Ossewabrandwag and changed his ideological allegiance to Christian nationalism instead.
It thus squares well with another of her aims, to rescue feminism from its unwise ideological allegiances.
The estreleira is the flag used by Galician nationalists of left-of-centre to extreme-left ideological allegiance.
The flag is commonly flown by activists of left-of-centre to extreme-left ideological allegiance.
But Ayatollah Sistani's relationship with Iran's mullahs is not necessarily one of subservience or even ideological allegiance.
Listless through war fatigue, poverty and hunger, Afghans willingly swap ideological and ethnic allegiances for survival and cash.
Recruits were offered money, power and celebrity in exchange for ideological allegiance.
In social comparison the "morality" of acts depends more on the ideological allegiances of the labelers than on the acts themselves.
They are employed in order to make a living, or they speak whilst being in an ideological allegiance to a school of thought or outlook.