Anything that shortened an ideological change of such immense consequence is worth serious study.
Was there a change of mood, an ideological change of heart amongst the local population?
Since 1986 the party has undergone a major ideological change turning into an Islamist party.
The ideological changes within the dominant political party since 1979 have undoubtedly affected in various ways the cities and those living in them.
Since the last exhibition in 1987, there have been enormous political, economic and ideological changes.
"One can track political and ideological change against a background of painful ambition," Pravda said.
This policy also signals a key ideological change in the academies programme.
Certain practical and ideological changes followed, but in 1979 a return to the original principle of help to self-help recommenced.
This loyalty has persisted to this day despite the vast ideological changes in both political parties since that time.
These constructions are taken to reflect ideological changes, with new ideas about religion, ritual and social hierarchy.