Labor and its new leader speak of national interest and security guarantees, rather than ideological and biblical claims to a Greater Israel.
Want to give some example to back up your argument instead of making a baseless, ideological claim?
But Maale Adumim has always figured more as a comfortable suburb of Jerusalem than as an ideological claim to the West Bank.
Some investigators were skeptical of the sincerity of the suspects' ideological claims, saying they were motivated by greed rather than philosophy.
Her works are a clear mirror of the literary commitment to ideological claims.
Political decisions cannot be subject only to economic considerations, but fanciful and ideological claims about inevitably diverging interests are dangerous.
Friction, supported by the new ideological claims, may be becoming embedded.
The war will have an ideological claim, but tempered by the difficulty of Iraq, by the fact that we don't know this land.
The only real estate at immediate issue is the Golan Heights, to which even the Likud coalition makes no ideological claim.
It is only with laughter that we become ideological subjects, withdrawn from the ideological claims to a free enclave.