I am an atheist and a Muslim': Islam, communism, and ideological competition.
We don't have the cold war situation, where it was difficult to enforce sanctions because of ideological competition and huge divisions in the world.
Moreover, the ideological and strategic competition between them may have abated, but it has not disappeared.
"I'm not here to win an ideological competition," he said.
The journal has published special issues on such topics as euro-skepticism, constitution-building, and the impact of the EU on ideological competition.
If it did, there would still be ideological and economic competition.
The Cold War featured extensive ideological competition and several proxy wars.
Anxiety in Washington It was a timely reminder that the superpowers' ideological competition transcends whatever tactical arms control agreements they sign.
The absence of ideological competition in the nation's biggest cities has played an important, and pernicious, role in shaping both contemporary liberalism and contemporary conservatism.
That is much more than an ideological competition, and winning the competition doesn't achieve it.