The newer version also includes some ideological anti-capitalistic elements.
And there was "always a powerful ideological element remaining from independence as the result of a great national union over particular interests."
The economic policies set forth in 1982 resulted from a compromise between ideological and pragmatic elements within the party leadership.
American imperialism is a term referring to outcomes or ideological elements of United States foreign policy.
Nietzsche shared only the most superficial of ideological elements with volkist, communitarian, chauvinist Nazism.
"This is not a partisan element or an ideological element," he said.
The primary thesis of Wróblewski's program accented the need for art in which "aesthetic and ideological elements would be indivisibly fused."
Some of the ideological elements relating to Croatia and Macedonia in the progress reports are also doing us harm.
Yet they resolved to go ahead anyway, perhaps - no, definitely - because of political and ideological elements, deciding that this debate should take place.
Still, this ideological element created many rifts in the punk scene.