To understand the issue, we need to go back to the original ideological justification for giant executive paychecks.
This ignorance continues today, reinforcing racism and giving an ideological justification for the 'Third World debt'.
And it was the ideological justification for the suppression of subsequent attempts to organize independent political groups.
Hence, the ideological justification of collective leadership in the Soviet Union was easy to justify.
The 'free seas', provided suitable ideological justification for the Dutch breaking up trade monopolies through its formidable naval power.
In order to defeat the Empire, the popes were obliged to reinforce the ideological justification of other European princes.
The earliest decades of expansionist United States foreign policy making was often accompanied by racialist ideological justifications.
He sought to remove any ideological justification for a military coup.
The ideological justification is provided by a system of values designed by male thinkers and founded on men' s perception of reality.
Intervention philosophy is an ideological justification for outsiders or intruders to guide native peoples in specific directions.