The ideological and political levels are closely related to the economic.
Clearly there are a number of institutions which play a part in the reproduction of inequality, whether at a material or an ideological level.
The chief obstacles to Ecotopia lie in the economic, political, cultural and ideological levels.
On an ideological level, the conflict is clearly drawn.
A. Taxpayers are getting a lot less than they could out of this bill, which only makes sense at an ideological and political level.
At an ideological level, instead of race, the organization stressed the importance of language and customs.
Moderation can take place at both ideological and behavioral levels that mutually reinforce each other.
At the ideological level, the goal is to reinforce the unified subject as an intermediate step in reproducing a certain social world.
It is at this ideological level that the deepest split occurs.
On an ideological level, he said notification "has no place in Federal law."