Not even the Cubans, the most obvious ideological rival since the Soviet Union's collapse.
This, as well as the fact that the two pavilions faced each other, turned the exhibition into a competition between the two great ideological rivals.
Unfortunately, this fight was an ugly, unnecessarily drawn-out affair in which Ali displayed mainly cruelty in punishing someone he saw as an ideological rival.
He was an ideological and political rival of Jo Gwang-jo.
With Hitler's, Stalin's and Mao's downfalls in the last century, there is no longer any serious military or ideological rival to these ideas.
That debate no longer concerns the merits of capitalism, a system without ideological rival since Communism collapsed.
The beauty of this lie was that it allowed both sides to get around the truth - that China has no control over its highly successful ideological rival.
Gorbachev in effect is embracing the prescriptions of Lenin's old ideological rival, Martov, and his Mensheviks.
And of course there was encounter with other Jewish ideological rivals (the Bund, Zionism etc.), which offered their ways to solve the Jewish question.