This ideological support, he claimed, was a basis for Protestant guilt.
"Rebels operating in the North Caucasus receive money, weapons and ideological support from abroad."
Larisa expressed ideological support for Amir, and they began to correspond and speak on the phone.
His notes express neither ideological support for, nor opposition to, the logging business.
In past years, there have been more than one, usually in an effort to show the candidate's breadth of geographic, demographic and ideological support.
But ideological support for free trade cannot be the only reason for Japan's opposition.
They would thus provide the ideological support of the future "Dirty war" carried out by the Argentine military in the 1970s.
He described the support for the general as more of a protest vote than one of ideological support.
The program received far more ideological and propaganda support than concrete changes.
Gabeira has repeatedly voiced his ideological support for the legalization of marijuana.