The Latin American countries viewed as part of this ideological trend have been referred to as "Pink Tide nations".
SIRC has a 'social intelligence' unit, monitoring and assessing social, cultural and ideological trends.
The ideological roots of the disturbances have been the poisonous ideological trend of bourgeois liberalism.
He has made the leading artistic and ideological trends in the world intelligible and relevant to Hispanic culture.
A population concentrated in cities was more accessible to the influence of new ideological trends than a population scattered through the countryside.
The disaffection is demonstrated by the finding that many young people, whose allegiances are often a gauge of future ideological trends, are politically rootless.
It has been described as a broad church, containing a diversity of ideological trends from strongly socialist, to more moderately social democratic.
The term includes several ideological trends, ranging from the right to self-determination (and complete independence from Spain) to a demand for further autonomy within Spain.
A distinguished British scholar shrugs off recent thematic and ideological trends in Shakespeare criticism as he explores the evolution of the playwright's sensibility through close textual readings.
Howard has become the kind of academic who "could identify 30 different ideological trends in the social sciences, but did not really know what a software engineer was."