Gove's policies are ideologically based; ideology of economics, business and military.
While the goal is laudable, the means could allow reintroduction of ideologically based travel restrictions under a different name.
It usually designates a party that is ideologically based around liberalism.
Heuristics used when forming opinions can also be ideologically based.
I had a piece in the same issue that pointed out that your theory was not ideologically based.
However, a case can be made to support the view that both perspectives are ideologically based.
The change was both frightening and exciting; I had never been in a country that was so ideologically based.
However, Gramsci also recognized the persistence of traditional common sense, which often conflicts with the ideologically based hegemony.
He brought a tightly regulated, ideologically based pictorial language of grids and primary colors with him.
When arguments are ideologically based, they cannot be resolved.