It is often the quickest means to promotion for blacks and Latinos, but Safir says they are also ideologically committed to the drug war.
The Republican Congress, ideologically committed to scaling back Government, has found the deficit its greatest ally in that effort.
While some architects of the period were ideologically committed to a particular manner, a tendency personified by Pugin, others were happy to move between styles.
He is hawkish on foreign policy with links to Washington neo-conservatives and ideologically committed to cutting the state.
Unemployment is already above 11 percent in a nation that has been ideologically committed to providing work for every willing Jewish hand.
They were ideologically committed to neo-liberalism as well as being socially conservative.
The communist movement, while ideologically committed to guerrilla warfare in such circumstances, did not launch a rebellion due to the party's weakness.
It is by ideologically committed local officials.
On the Israeli Jewish side, only a minority is ideologically committed to the concept of Greater Israel.
But we know both Nick Clegg and Cameron are ideologically committed to such an agenda.