You want to remain politically correct and ideologically pure, don't you?
"I don't believe that you become a national party by drawing lines in the sand and saying you have to be ideologically pure on one or two issues."
"It's a lot easier to be ideologically pure in an initiative campaign than in office," said Dan Schnur, a Republican political analyst in California.
I'd rather have my Netflix streaming then remain ideologically pure and DRM-free, thanks very much.
Age had made Zhang even more ideologically pure than he'd been in his youth, and it hadn't tempered his imperial ambition.
In her view, the "right side" of many issues has been a broadly acceptable middle ground, not the ideologically pure but politically isolated posture favored by the President's right-wing supporters.
Furthermore, trying to enforce the ideals of Communism, the authorities deliberately dismantled the existing social and economic structures, and imposed new "ideologically pure" hierarchies.
But the question is political pragmatism or remaining ideologically pure and irrelevant.
To keep himself ideologically pure, he probably prefers to be paid by Washington.