If he knew its idiomatic meaning, he would change it-the perfect knight who never got any.
Any phrase that has an idiomatic meaning gets computed two ways.
The words kick and bucket separately do not contribute to the idiomatic meaning.
In these cases, the idiomatic meaning is directly accessed.
If it is replaced by other words, the idiomatic meaning cannot be activated.
When highly familiar idioms encountered, their idiomatic meanings can be directly activated.
Nondecomposable idioms are made of words that do not reflect their idiomatic meaning, e.g. kick the bucket.
Certain verbs in Chinese can function as coverbs, taking on an idiomatic prepositional meaning.
It adopted a more idiomatic meaning in the 1600s.
Then the word "bucket" comes along and bang, you have to quickly (and non-consciously) substitute the idiomatic meaning.