Playing on a lovely instrument, Hakhnazaryan had the restraint to remain within the conventions of Tchaikovsky's idiosyncratic piece of Russian retro.
Among the more idiosyncratic and interesting pieces are a series of "Cluster" sculptures from the early 1990s, orbs of plaster embedded with books and suspended from the ceiling, which suggest cultural detritus preserved in celestial rock or geological magma.
An intriguing selection of these idiosyncratic pieces is presented in "Obsessive and Accumulative Art," on view through Oct. 21 at the American Primitive Gallery, 596 Broadway (Houston Street).
Both floors are filled with idiosyncratic and beautifully textured pieces of furniture and objects, including family hand-me-downs, textiles from Egypt and Greece, and things found on the street.
To make customers remember his models, he includes idiosyncratic pieces.
Robert Edwards combines idiosyncratic pieces of English and American Arts and Crafts with chairs and stools from the 30's and 40's by Wharton Esherick and Stewart Ross James.
To new postgraduate students, AIPS is such an idiosyncratic piece of software that a rich and varied niche humour has developed around it.
I've been repeating it to myself ever since, and thinking this: these two traveled to the United States to perform this wildly idiosyncratic piece for a handful of people who were not likely to parse its alien esthetic.
A more idiosyncratic piece was his "On the very first of May", set to nonsense poetry written by his wife.