He saw that Saul's eyes were different, the pupils had shrunk to tiny black specks and he was shaking his head in a meaningless idiotic fashion.
But one reason Congressmen jumped on this bandwagon is that the industry has once again behaved in idiotic fashion when faced with concern from the public and from Washington.
His features were flat and Slavic, his teeth crooked and stained with tobacco smoke and his eyes were light misty blue; he smiled perpetually in a bland idiotic fashion and sucked at a cavity in one of his back teeth.
The Darwin Awards honour people who ensure the long-term survival of the human race by removing themselves from the gene pool in a sublimely idiotic fashion.
Nothing else would have come the wrong way on a one-way street using a searchlight in such open, idiotic fashion.
As I spoke I believed it: that at a nether layer, my competence was manifesting, that I had not acted in idiotic, old-man, has-been fashion, that it was really genius.
Listen carefully now, and remember - it is very possible that the next craft you attack in such utterly idiotic fashion will, without any more warning than you give, blow this whole planet into a ball of incandescent gas.
He was not just behaving in an idiotic fashion, either.
She was rewarded by an astonishingly jubilant smile so infectious that she grinned back in an idiotic fashion.
Poor Artemis followed idiotic fashions because she was a hard-working journalist who had to earn her living; and Violet Varney only took away other people's living.