The idiotic smile that split my face probably was incomprehensible to the Bynars who seemed to have little understanding of nonverbal communication.
His eyes glazed, his mouth curved into an idiotic smile, and he fell against the bars.
Then he gave her the idiotic smile again.
I remained upon my knees, with that fixed, idiotic smile on my lips and desolation in my soul.
Later on, lookin' at myself in a mirror, I saw only me reflected back with this idiotic smile.
"Cormac," he said at last, and the blank eyes looked up at him, an idiotic smile touching the features briefly.
Bashir flashed that idiotic smile of his.
What we did, actually, we smiled big idiotic smiles and joined hands in a snowflake around the airlock.
The muscles of his face unlocked to sag into a loose, idiotic smile.
"All I have to do is look over and look at their idiotic smiles, and I can guess."