Technical features included electro hardened pistons, full pressure lubrication and automatic choke with fast idle mode.
The rocker arms operating the intake and exhaust valves have two modes: valve-lift mode or idle mode.
Most transceivers operating in idle mode have a power consumption almost equal to the power consumed in receive mode.
Thus, it is better to completely shut down the transceiver rather than leave it in the idle mode when it is not transmitting or receiving.
The slave starts updating its value and the data line is set to HIGH (idle mode) if there are no clock pulses within time, tm.
The slave automatically will recognize the transfer timeout and go into idle mode.
The main power was supplied by the diesel - the gas turbine was either on or off, or on idle mode.
And the mouse knows when it's not being moved, and it goes into an idle mode anyway.
During times of no process airflow, the RTO would go into standby or idle mode to minimise energy consumption.
Unless you only turn a system on for gaming, the video card spends most of its time at or near idle mode.