Fortunately, these were not the idle words of an academic and bibliophile.
Pay no attention to my idle words, I really have no desire for olives now.
In this world it is said, "One inch gives the hand advantage", but these are the idle words of one who does not know strategy.
Then he answered: "Why do you trouble me with such idle words.
I try to be very, very selective with my words because they're not idle words.
When at last he saw the great men he found they had nothing to give him but idle words.
We must account for every idle word, never talk with anyone or undertake any trifling employment merely to pass the time of day.
I had thought those but the idle words of men who try to add more to any story.
He wasn't a man who bandied idle words about.
Here, in these secret hills, wouldn't they create a spectacular reality from those idle words?