It would be a great mistake for any reader to dip into it, idly flicking through for a few pictures.
Turning to the windows, Harry stood idly flicking the pen between his fingers, gazing unseeing at the courtyard beyond.
Vines lay quiet, or flicked idly in both directions into the distance.
There seemed little point in watching places he could walk to in a minute, but he flicked idly from floor to floor.
I flick idly through the big red book.
"That's a pretty paltry offer," Silk said, his fingers flicking idly.
However, Gower flicked idly at the delivery and was caught at leg-slip.
He flicked idly at some useless switches, then gave Arthur an unfriendly look.
And, with that, he sat, legs folded under him, on the floor and idly flicked an ash.
He was idly flicking the ringbolt back and forth.