He pushed against it idly, and found himself in the lobby of a large hotel.
Perrin had crumbled a piece of bread and was idly pushing the crumbs around on the table with one finger.
He idly pushed around the salt and pepper to avoid meeting anyone's eyes, and then he took out a sachet from the sugar bowl and looked at it with curiosity.
One day he was idly pushing balls around a table, and someone complained that while he was not playing himself, he was "hindering other gentlemen from their amusement."
She picked up her milkshake and idly pushed the straw back and forth across the caramel froth.
I returned to my desk, where I remained on my feet, idly pushing at the index cards.
He idly pushed the redial button again, and this time he got the quick busy signal that told him something was happening.
He took out the shrimp salad his housekeeper had made up, uncorked a bottle of wine, and pushed idly through the mail which had accumulated during his absence.
Moving to the chair, she pushed idly at its high back, making it revolve- She men began to pace the room, her expression one of mounting anguish.