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A real prophet, he informs us, would find even the idea of God idolatrous.
"He thought that if religion took itself too seriously, it was idolatrous.
It is evidently not idolatrous, since they keep no idols.
The intention is to wipe out everything associated with idolatrous religions.
In the nineteenth century, evangelicals had seen patriotism as idolatrous.
He also added an idolatrous altar into the Temple.
For almost two thousand years there was nothing, most people were idolatrous and God's presence was not seen in the world.
The authorities contended that they were idolatrous and insulting to Islam.
But now he's gone, and my idolatrous fancy Must sanctify his relics.
In 1643, during the Civil War, many of the "idolatrous" images were destroyed.
"You've put them to route, the whole idolatrous army!
It was thus a counterbalance to the idolatrous nature of Israelite religion.
Frame notes that the search for a purely objective knowledge is not only impossible, but also idolatrous.
Save only the idolatrous love for his child, he scarcely retained one ennobling quality.
That idolatrous gleam was still in their eyes.
She describes the prohibition of potentially idolatrous children's dolls with shapes or faces.
My only grief is that I can't Use the idolatrous occupant.
Mr. Petty's audience, heavily weighted with young women, was idolatrous.
On the right background is the punishment of the idolatrous and the receiving of the new Tables.
The flow of idolatrous, sentimental patriotic blurb from politicians and media.
Some Christian theologians see the absolutization of an idea as idolatrous.
Other religions are idolatrous religions, according to this belief.
At Glastonbury, too, we have spared those wicked walls which were reared by idolatrous hands of old.
In fact, he might have been chosen as their leader or king if he had too followed their idolatrous ways.
In 2001, the Taliban blew the Buddha up, believing it to be idolatrous.