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They ran though it razor-wracked and idolatrously indifferent.
Once when ʻAmmār was being tortured, it is reported that he spoke idolatrously and contradicted his faith.
They worshipped the sun, not idolatrously, but as the golden crown of the god whom all such infants see almost as plainly as the sun.
Fingleton wrote "on this field he [Bradman] has won his greatest honours; nowhere else has he been so idolatrously acclaimed".
The inherent dialectic of desire itself had in a way already shown me this; for all images and sensations, if idolatrously mistaken for joy itself, soon honestly confessed themselves inadequate.
One of the recurrent recriminations of American concert music is that it is idolatrously beholden to Europe, which gave America its instruments, its masterpieces and its concert halls.
Bishop Dietrich came to consecrate the hosts so as to ensure that no unconsecrated host was accidentally being venerated idolatrously, but, so the story goes, the host overflowed with blood before he could say the words of consecration.
Charlemagne thought that the Byzantine emperors had been denied the Roman empire, which had been conferred on him instead (800), because they had shown the pride of Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, not least in allowing images of themselves to be idolatrously venerated.