Shortly after the research team boarded, one of the nuclear weapons armed itself and an ignition sequence started.
Below them she saw the hologrammic lights of the ignition sequence play across the ship's hull and fade, mute warning.
This combination is hypergolic, making for attractively simple ignition sequences.
Its so-called "big-bang ignition sequence" yields the sound and feel of a V-twin.
Molassi had already started the ignition sequence.
And with it, ignition sequence was started anew on a controversy over Murray's handling of his goalies during the playoffs.
Instead she began datavising the flight computer for systems schematics, assisting the captain with the fusion drive's ignition sequence.
"If you knew this plane, Wyatt, you'd know that if the door opens all the way, I have to start the whole ignition sequence over."
Better than his word, he allowed Refas time to leave the launch bay before beginning the ignition sequence.
"Should I start the ignition sequence?"