"What else is a man supposed to say when he sees his glorious bachelor days coming to a swift and ignominious end?"
It is unquestionably gone for good, and his ignominious end may help discredit the others.
"What an ignominious end," Atropos said, sinking into a chair, hands over her face.
Surely being sold off on eBay is an ignominious end?
Mostly, though, I will think about six lives and six ignominious ends.
It is an ignominious end for a project that in the boom times of the 80's held such promise.
It seems an ignominious end for this aged heirloom, but how else would the old thing, have ended its days?
Or whether man is doomed to the worm's ignominious end?
This brought the first chapter of the idea to build a subway system in Belgrade to an ignominious end.
Collapse would prove an ignominious end for the club.