Ignoring the church's decision, he continued to wear his ecclesiastical robes.
Ignoring the committee's decision is only one in a growing list of ways the White House and its allies have politicized judicial selection.
He said Armenia would ignore Russia's decision and continue to accept older bank notes.
But the Capital Association of German Judges gave a sharp warning to those inclined to ignore the court's decision.
With nothing else left in her life, Beth ignores Bree's decision and goes to the hospital.
Even though Bobrowski could have simply ignored the court's decision, his sense of chivalry dictated that he accept its verdict.
You cannot use your absence from a decisive meeting to ignore its decision, Toric,' Groghe said.
Ignoring her own decision, she continued to hurry as fast as she could.
Schultz vowed that he would ignore the board's decision and kill Dewey himself.
Once they have gone, Khrisong ignores their decision and orders for the Doctor to be brought to him.