Reviews praise Johnson's range and lively prose but chide him for ignoring 30 years of scholarship and slighting America's racial and economic iniquities.
Number one, yes, I mean, to talk about we really need to slow all this up, we need another second opinion, ignores almost 75 years of debate and discussion about this.
Ignore sixty years of partnership in maintaining the peace and simply go home?
"Historical studies which ignore 3,000 years of history will not bring good results."
Equating evolution with Charles Darwin ignores 150 years of discoveries, including most of what scientists understand about evolution.
"You know, to suggest that if we weren't in Iraq we would see a rosier scenario, with fewer extremists joining the radical movement, requires us to ignore 20 years of experience," Mr. Bush said.
To the Editor: David Grossman (Op-Ed, Oct. 1) criticizes the Israeli "plot line" for ignoring more than 30 years of occupation.
"I told him that I wasn't going to ignore 20 years of loyalty because I was supposed to show allegiance to the league," Valentine said then.
"Here in America we are reverting to our native fascism," says this native American, ignoring twelve thousand years of his own people's history.
Ignoring nearly 20 years of economic decline, social neglect and the erosion of public responsibility for collective needs, Mr. Popenoe blames the greed, narcissism and diversity of families for child neglect.