As a result, no matter how compelling the evidence compiled by the authors, enemies of public education will persist in their undocumented claims that vouchers are the panacea for the ills afflicting failing schools.
Ben saw evidence of this in the ills afflicting many of his Aleut neighbors: alcoholism, domestic violence, suicide, welfare dependency," Horwitz writes.
He called for a "distribution of riches" (i.e. distribution of wealth) to alleviate the societal and economic ills afflicting Guadeloupe and Martinique.
The lack of appropriate places of healthy amusement leads to the consumption of beer, making alcoholism one of the major ills afflicting the canton.
Andre feels the weight of guilt and is believed responsible for all the ills afflicting Europe in the late nineteenth century.
Mrs. Lusk, the civic leader from Westchester Square, recalled how she would attend meetings of Board 9 over the years, only to become frustrated each time the agenda became centered on the social ills afflicting the South Bronx.
It needed advice in the medical area before it could take effective action against the many social ills afflicting this truly distressed planet.
The ills afflicting American society do not flow from the fact that the middle class no longer possesses the moral perfection of, let us say, Jesse Helms and Phil Gramm.
It is important to keep in mind that some ills afflicting young adults afflict the rest of society as well.
"Gag Rule" reviews the political ills afflicting America today without prescribing a cure for its collective muteness.