The other day, we heard from a local Lifeline recipient who has a chronically ill daughter.
She has a mentally ill daughter named Maya, who suffers from Schizophrenia.
Larkin was captured outside of the city when, against advice, he tried to go to his deathly ill daughter, still in Monterey.
Like other families, the Abaspours sometimes hesitate to publicly label their daughter mentally ill.
In "Last Orders," a mother visits her mentally ill daughter each week for years on end, without ever being recognized.
Williams started in place of Tony Delk, who left the team to be with his ill daughter.
Margaret alternated with the nurse in the care of her desperately ill daughter.
She prefers to tell the one about the woman from the Hamptons who came to general delivery looking for her missing, mentally ill daughter.
The novelist tells stories of her family's life as she tends her fatally ill daughter.
He sets out to steal money for his chronically ill daughter.